Family Counsellor

36 uur Head office International Clinic Oirschot €3.199 - €4.977 p/m based on fulltime FWG 55 Expert by experience
As a Family Counsellor, your personal story and experience play a vital role in the family programme of Yes We Can Youth Clinics. With unconditional warmth, safety and confrontation at the right time, you renew and empower parents and/or carers during an intensive coaching and counselling programme.
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If other treatments or support have had little to no effect, Yes We Can Youth Clinics seeks to be the turning point for young adults aged 13 to 25 with mental health issues, addictions and behavioural problems. During the treatment, over 500 highly specialised healthcare professionals work hard to help the youngsters (referred to as fellows in our clinic) and their families turn hopelessness into happiness.

To support the growth of our organisation, we are looking for a Family Counsellor for our headquarters in Oirschot.

Want to learn more about your tasks, the team and experiences of colleagues? You can read all about it on this page.

How you make a difference in the lives of our young people and their families

In parallel with the child’s treatment, parents/carers will participate in an intensive family coaching and counselling programme. The challenges faced by the fellows also deeply affect their parents. During the private, four-day Bonding Week, which takes place halfway through the treatment, the parents/carers receive all the tools they need to ensure their child's treatment remains effective after they return home. It also provides ample opportunity for them to alleviate their burden.

As a family counsellor, you play a key role in guiding and supporting parents/carers during this family programme, using your personal experiences and expertise. You do this by leading group sessions where parents/carers receive the support they need to move forward together. You help them understand their roles and navigate their own change process. You recognise (unhealthy) patterns and use your own recovery experience to help restore balance in family dynamics. You approach this in a warm yet confrontational manner, contributing to a supportive family environment. The Bonding Week is one of the most special times during the treatment process and as a family counsellor, you help create a safe space for these reunions.

After the treatment at Yes We Can Youth Clinics, aftercare is utilised to help maintain a healthy recovery. The fellows and their families may have changed, but their social environment has stayed the same. Going back home can therefore be very confronting, causing familiar habits to recur. In the online aftercare programme for parents, you will provide them with a safe space to share their experiences and support them in applying the tools learned during the family programme in daily life.

What makes working within Yes We Can unique?


At Yes We Can Youth Clinics we are one big family, united every day in pursuit of the same goal: everything for our fellows. As a Family Counsellor, you truly make a difference in the lives of fellows and their families. Together, we build a better future.

Every day is different

With your passion to be present and curious to each families story, your individual approach brings high quality care to the therapeutic process.

Team spirit

In the family and aftercare programme, we genuinely work together. There’s a strong sense of togetherness and a team spirit where everyone feels valued and can be themselves.


At Yes We Can, connection is at the heart of everything we do. By giving back what you have received, you can genuinely connect with fellows and their (bonus)parents/carers through your own experiences.

Why you are a perfect fit for the Yes We Can family

Your heart beats faster at the thought of using your own life experience to support the families of our fellows. You want to make a real difference; offering unconditional warmth, safety and confrontation at the right time. You have experience working with mental health issues, addictions, and/or behavioural problems and preferably have experience leading groups.

To give back what you have received, you have been in recovery for at least three years, living fully abstinent according to the Minnesota 12-Step programme. You have integrated these principles into your daily life, making recovery an essential part of who you are.

The ability to communicate fluently in English, both verbally and in writing, is a key requirement. Additional language skills are a plus, but not mandatory. You live in the Netherlands.

Are you a parent with personal experience and a strong affinity for systemic work? If so, we might be the perfect match, and we warmly invite you to apply.

What's in it for you?

Become a part of the Yes We Can Family
Become a part of the Yes We Can Family
A year-end bonus
A year-end bonus
Working from the heart
Working from the heart
Meaningful work
Meaningful work
Freedom to think outside the box
Freedom to think outside the box
A lot of appreciation
A lot of appreciation
Fun activities with colleagues such as an annual bbq and a football tournament
Fun activities with colleagues such as an annual bbq and a football tournament
Working in a dynamic environment
Working in a dynamic environment

About Yes We Can Youth Clinics

When all else fails, Yes We Can Youth Clinics provides a solution for many teens and young adults, aged 13 to 25, struggling with mental health issues, addictions and behavioural problems. Our approach has proven to be very successful: about 70% of the fellows no longer need specialised care after having completed 10 weeks of residential treatment and a minimum of 4 weeks aftercare. Our success rate is so high because we not only work together with our fellows, but also with their parents. Successful treatment requires a serious effort from both of them. The collaborative approach at Yes We Can Youth Clinics has proven to be a turning point in the lives of thousands of teens and young adults.


Feel free to contact me


Apply today and let us know why you are the perfect match.

We kindly ask you to answer the following questions in your cover letter:

  • Who are you, and what makes you unique?
  • What is your experience with the 12-step programme?
  • Do you attend meetings?
  • What does your recovery look like, and how do you incorporate it into your daily life?
  • Are you fully abstinent, and for how long have you been?
  • Do you have experience working with young people in healthcare? And what would you like to share with them?

You can attach your resumé and cover letter to your application.

Do you have any questions?
Feel free to contact the recruitment team at

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Please note that upon employment a certificate of good conduct is required.
Acquisition as a result of this advertisement is expressly not appreciated.